Champion of the 2022 National Show Choir Ranking:
Linn-Mar "10th Street Ed."
Barstool Score: 80 Raw Score: 320
Welcome back everyone for the 2nd Annual Barstool Show Choir Rankings. Choir rankings are a fun, interactive way to congratulate and shed light on groups who have had success during the show choir season. It will be exciting to see what groups rise in the ranks with each competition they attend, and who eventually will be at top of the rankings at the end of the season! Every season is different, every group is different, and every show is different and the rankings will be a cool way to document all the season's twists and turns.
Now, for the 2023 rankings we have decided to give the people what they want! We are going to be adding two new divisions to the rankings. Along with the Large Mixed ranking we will also be doing a Single-Gender and Tier 2 ranking! This addition will allow us to shed light to all the hard work done by all groups, not just large mixed. To find out how scoring will be done for Large Mixed, Single-Gender and Tier 2 keep reading below.
As of last year the rankings also have an impact on our annual Show Choir Madness tournament. The higher the ranking of a group, the higher their seed will be come bracket time. Keep your eyes out for a possible single-gender bracket this year, TBD.
Large Mixed Rankings
To qualify for the Large Mixed Ranking, groups must have attended at least 3 competitions. If a choir competes at more than 3 competitions, they will need a minimum of 3 finals berths or Tier 1 placings to be considered.
We will be using the original point system that rewards groups on how they place (and what they achieve) at competitions. The Raw Scores earned according to the point system will be divided by the amount of competitions that group has attended, that will be calculated into the Barstool Score. The Barstool Score (divided score) is how we will rank the groups. Whoever has the highest Barstool score at the end of the season will be crowned at the top of the Barstool National Show Choir Rankings!
Large Mixed point system It goes as follows:
Grand Champion = | 50 pts |
1st Runner Up = | 40 pts |
2nd Runner Up = | 30 pts |
3rd Runner Up = | 20 pts |
4th Runner Up = | 10 pts |
5th Runner Up = | 5 pts |
Best Vocals = | 15 pts |
Best Choreography = | 10 pts |
Best Band = | 5 pts |
Miss finals/Not top 6 = | 0 pts |
*Only if a competition does not reward Best Band, either Best Show Design/Overall Effect will count towards Band.
Tiebreakers in order for groups knotted up at the same Barstool Score go as followed:
Head 2 Head: If Group 1 has beaten Group 2 at a competition and they are tied with the same Barstool Score. Group 1 has priority of being above Group 2 in the rankings. If still tied you move on to tiebreaker #2
Most GCs: If groups are still tied after tiebreaker #1, then the group who has most Grand Championships over the other, gets priority over the other in the ranking. If still tied you move on to tiebreaker #3
Most Caption Awards: If groups are still tied after tiebreaker #2, then the group with more Caption Awards (Best Vocals, Best Choreography, Best Band) gets priority over the other in the rankings. If still tied you move on to tiebreaker #4.
If still tied, it will be at our discretion on who will be placed higher.
Now, to make it clear we do understand Head to Head, and how beating a group at a competition technically makes a group "better" than who they beat, but these rankings are going to be solely based off the Barstool Score. So, if group 1 has beaten group 2, but group 2 still has a higher Barstool Score, group 2 will be above them in the Rankings. However, we do recognize Head to Head, and that is why we implemented as the first tie breaker.
Large Mixed rankings will consist of the top 100 choirs.
Single-Gender & Tier 2 Rankings
Single-Gender and Tier 2 will be their own separate ranking but they will be following the same rules and scoring.
Single-Gender is self explanatory, but you might be wondering what we consider as Tier 2? Tier 2 will consist of Prep choirs and groups who regularly perform and receive placements in lower divisions.
To qualify for the Single-Gender and Tier 2 ranking, groups must have attended at least 3 competitions. If a choir competes at more than 3 competitions, they will need a minimum of 3 placements in their respected in their divisions to be considered for the rankings'.
The scoring system for the two rankings will be done differently than large mixed. Groups will be rewarded extra points for making Finals. Depending on the competition, if there is a Single-Gender or Tier 2 finals it will be at our discretion on how extra points will be distributed.
Single-Gender/Tier 2 scoring will go as followed:
Division Grand Champion = | 50 pts |
Division 1st Runner Up = | 40 pts |
Division 2nd Runner Up = | 30 pts |
Division 3rd Runner Up = | 20 pts |
Division 4th Runner Up = | 10 pts |
Division 5th Runner Up = | 5 pts |
Best Vocals = | 15 pts |
Best Choreography = | 10 pts |
Best Band = | 5 pts |
Make Finals = | 5 pts |
Finals 5th Runner Up = | 5 pts |
Finals 4th Runner Up = | 10 pts |
Finals 3rd Runner Up = | 20 pts |
Finals 2nd Runner Up = | 30 pts |
Finals 1st Runner Up = | 40 pts |
Overall Grand Champion = | 50 pts |
For example: If a prep group wins their division with BV, BC, & BB. And they were awarded the opportunity to compete in Finals where they received 4th Runner up. Their point total from this one competition would be 95 points.
Division GC (50) + BV (15) + BC (10) + BB (5) + Making Finals (5) + 4th Runner up (10) = 95 points.
The Raw Scores earned according to the point system will be divided by the amount of competitions that group has attended, that will be calculated into the Barstool Score. The Barstool Score (divided score) is how we will rank the groups.
Tie-breakers will be the same as Large Mixed.
Single-Gender and the Tier 2 rankings will consist of the top 50 choirs.
We are very exited to get this ball rolling! We plan on dropping the rankings every Thursday or Friday up until the end of the season. There could be weeks where the rankings drop late. We just ask that you please be patient with us and we will push them out as soon as we can.
The 1st installment of the 2023 Barstool's National Show Choir Rankings will drop on 2/2-3/23!